Animal Webaction
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photo association

Des couvertures pour Onyx

Le jeune Onyx a été abandonné alors qu'il est malade…
photo association
Des couvertures pour Onyx
Le jeune Onyx a été abandonné alors qu'il est malade…

292,600 cm2
blankets offered

292,600 cm2
blankets necessary

Young Onyx was abandoned while he was ill...

1. he was abandoned...
We found Onyx in a garden, abandoned. No sign of his mother... so we took him in.

2. He's sick!
Barely a month and a half old, Onyx suffers from coryza: his eyes are watery and his nose is blocked. We'll have to give him some medicine to relieve him.

3. He lives in a secure cabin with other kittens.
We have set up a secure corner for Onyx and other cats in a small shack, waiting to put them up for adoption.

4. Blankets would keep him warm while he recovers from the cold.
Wrapped tightly in blankets, Onyx could rest and recover from the illness, waiting to join a new family.

5. We're having a hard time helping the kittens...
Our association takes care of sterilizing, feeding and caring for stray cats. We take in the cats and socialize them before finding a family for them. But this year, most of them are very fearful... we would need a helping hand to put them back in confidence and get them back in shape!

Association Bien vivre avec les Chats Sallélois
22 Avenue René Iché
mairie de Sallèles
11590 Sallèles-d'Aude
FR France

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