Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/04/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Let's save this shelter's 57 dogs!

Because of the lockdown, these old hunting dogs will soon be out of kibble!
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Let's save this shelter's 57 dogs!
Because of the lockdown, these old hunting dogs will soon be out of kibble!

2,340 kg
Dry food offered

2,340 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Florence's shelter is home to 57 dogs, who will be out of kibble in a few days!

"With the lockdown, we are no longer getting any kibble. Our own stock is gone, and the donations of kibbles we've had from other shelters and individuals are coming to an end. I don't have any more parcels or donations in kind, it's complicated. We did a big rescue just before the lockdown, twelve dogs, most of them large, originally I wasn't supposed to keep them for long, and they eat a lot.

2. All the dogs at the shelter live in pack: fights will be unavoidable if Florence doesn't find kibble

"Several dogs were about to leave, adoptions were planned with our fellow friends from the German Animal Welfare, and have been on hold for weeks. It requires a lot more work, care, food, attention. You can't manage a pack with a whistle 10 miles away. If we found ourselves without kibble, honestly it would be a disaster.

Dogs in a pack get along as long as they don't have to fight for their food. If they don't have enough to eat, it would be a disaster, I don't even dare imagine. A peaceful pack depends on food. Freedom is great, but if they don't have food, freedom is useless."

3. Old and vulnerable, Oslo will not be able to resist without kibble in the pack

"Oslo is around 14 years old, we took him out of the pound three years ago. He's hanging on, he's getting every possible and unimaginable disease... we're treating him every time, and he gets back on his feet... a hell of a warrior, Oslo... so nice, discreet..."

4. Florence would do anything to avoid a food shortage, but she doesn't manage to buy any kibble

"Now it's very heated, agricultural shops are closed. There's only one farmers' cooperative to get supplies. I went there to get food just in case, but they can only put 10 bags aside for me. Our potential suppliers are having a hard time getting supplies themselves, even if we could pay for a stock we couldn't find it.

I feel helpless. If I can't find food for them, I'm not fulfilling my role. I would be devastated. We can't just sit back and wait."

5. Florence does not wish to receive any money, but only kibbles to prevent dogs from starving

"HATHI is a shelter that primarily rescues hunting dogs, abandoned or mistreated, with many seniors. We are a hospice, a hospital, but there is also a real behavioural work that is done. 

We have many dogs that have been entrusted to us by other shelters for behavioural problems that they could not deal with. We manage to get them back on their feet like normal dogs, because they're actually normal. They become hyperactive because they don't have the right environment, the right one for them. It takes us a lot of time and energy, but we get a result, and we make them adoptable."

6. Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in France, still active despite the lockdown. We can deliver kibble throughout the country

Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in France, still active despite the lockdown, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.

7. Despite Florence's efforts, the shelter is experiencing a clear drop in donations, she does not know how she will manage if this action fails

" I only receive a few French donations now, there's a definite slowdown. I'm trying to communicate a lot more, and thanks to that, sponsorship has picked up again.

But it mainly pays the veterinary bills. There are dogs with terrible pathologies. They come out of places where they've never been treated.

I just can't pay the vet bills AND the kibbles."

8. Actions launched on Animal Webaction often fail

9. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees

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100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card

Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

10. Restrictions related to lockdown did not allow us to visit the shelter for this action

Due to the current health crisis, France is currently under containment. As movements are drastically reduced and controlled, it was impossible for us to visit the shelter to organize this action.

However, Animal Webaction went to Florence's refuge this winter, we remain in close contact with her (her participation allowed us to prepare this action), and grant her all our trust.

Association Hebergement Animaux Temporaire Hospice et Insertion (HATHI)
29 rue Arsène Leloup
44220 Couëron
FR France

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