Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/05/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Food for Harold

Harold got hurt getting caught in a fox trap!
photo association
Food for Harold
Harold got hurt getting caught in a fox trap!

240 pouches
of meat offered

240 pouches
of meat necessary

Harold got hurt getting caught in a fox trap!

1. He is injured in one leg and the wound hasn't healed!

Harold is a cat of about 7 years old. The poor cat is limping because one of his paws is injured: he got caught in a fox trap! Unfortunately, the wound is open and there are abscesses. We are afraid that it could get infected...

2. He has no more teeth to chew....

Being a free cat, Harold never got dental work. So he has no more teeth, and his tongue hangs out permanently. Eating kibble has become impossible for him.

3. Food pouches would allow him to eat, even without teeth

Easy to ingest, pouched food would provide Harold with the energy he needs to regain strength without having to chew. We could also take the opportunity to approach him and disinfect his wounds. Unfortunately, we have nothing more to give him!

4. Financially, it's a disaster!

For over a month now, we have had no money coming in. We are so desperate that we had to invest our own funds in the purchase of food for the free cats... We won't last long like this!


Association Association Lezard
3 rue jacques andrieux
5 rue de la tour d'auvergne
29270 carhaix
FR France

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