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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/06/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Food for Ambre

Amber is about to give birth to babies while she's sick...
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Food for Ambre
Amber is about to give birth to babies while she's sick...

192 pouches
of meat offered

192 pouches
of meat necessary

Amber is about to give birth to babies while she's sick...

1. She is pregnant

Ambre is a 3 year old cat that we rescued a little while ago.

She is expecting kittens: according to the veterinarian, she should give birth in the next few days. She will need energy to take care of the little ones and nurse them.

2. She has an abscess under her tongue

Amber is affected by calicivirus: she drools and pulls out her tongue all the time, the abscess is putting her through a lot of pain. Because of this, she has difficulty eating...

3. The food pouches might help her regain some strength...

The pain caused by the abscess makes it impossible for Amber to eat kibbles. However, she absolutely needs to regain energy to welcome her little ones. The food pouches would be of great help: with them, she could start eating again without suffering too much.

4. Buying food is getting very complicated!

The current sanitary and economic instability means that we have very few donations. However, the veterinary bills are accumulating and our cats need food...


Association Chatsociation71
28, rue DE BRENET
71500 Louhans
FR France

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