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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/06/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Guizmo

Poor Gizmo lives in the cold and damp...
photo association
Blankets for Guizmo
Poor Gizmo lives in the cold and damp...

331,500 cm2
blankets offered

331,500 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Gizmo lives in the cold and damp...

1. He's sick and weakened!

Gizmo has coryza: a purulent liquid escapes from his eyes and his nose is blocked, causing him to lose his appetite. The poor cat is getting weaker and weaker...

2. His teeth are badly damaged...

Gizmo's teeth are in deplorable condition. He does his best, but he can't chew the kibble we give him any more. He absolutely needs another source of food!

3. He lives outside!

Gizmo lives on a small piece of land by the side of a road. Unfortunately, the place is windy and very humid. This can make his illness worse...

4. Without coverage, his condition may worsen.

If we don't quickly give Gizmo some blankets to keep him warm, he might not last long... But we don't have any more stock!

5. As we have just created our association, we don't benefit from any help for the moment!

Our association was created a few months ago. Unfortunately, we have very little money and do not receive any donations.

We only have a few packets of kibble left to feed all our cats, and no more food pouches or blankets for the weakest among them!

Association Association des Chats Camarguais
20 avenue Joseph Simonet
FR France

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