Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/09/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Tania

Tania's nose is always running!
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Canned food for Tania
Tania's nose is always running!

132 cans

132 cans

Tania's nose is always running!

1. Her coryza is not healing

Tania suffers from chronic coryza. Her nose is constantly running, which prevents her from breathing normally, and makes her very tired. This constant cold is exhausting for her!

2. The canned food will allow her to eat

Tania has lost her sense of smell, she can't chew for long without being in apnea..

She needs canned food to be able to eat!

3. We have nothing left

Veterinary fees are costing us a lot of money... And we don't have any cat food stock at all!

Association Esperanza36
52 place de l'Eglise
36220 Lureuil
FR France

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