Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/09/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Vanille

Poor Vanille doesn't have a lot of teeth and has trouble eating!
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Canned food for Vanille
Poor Vanille doesn't have a lot of teeth and has trouble eating!

142 cans

142 cans

Poor Vanille doesn't have a lot of teeth and has trouble eating!

1. She's missing a lot of teeth!

At the age of 13, Vanille lost most of her teeth. So she has great difficulty chewing the kibble.

2. She lives outside!

Vanilla unfortunately lives outside... At the moment, the nights are again cool and wet, which does not help her rest !

3. Canned food would allow him to eat more easily.

With canned food, Vanille could start eating again without having to use her teeth too much. She could regain strength.

4. Donations are getting scarcer and scarcer!

We currently receive very few donations. And since our personal funds are relatively low, we don't know how to buy food for the cats we take care of anymore .

Association Pinocchio et Sauvageons
47 B, rue Abbé Joseph Martin
56400 Auray
FR France

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