Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/10/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Robin

Robin was letting himself die in the middle of the road!
photo association
Canned food for Robin
Robin was letting himself die in the middle of the road!

168 cans

168 cans

Robin was letting himself die in the middle of the road!

1. He had to be perfused

Robin, 4 years old, was in very bad shape when we found him. Anemic and extremely weakened, he remained prostrate in the middle of the road!

He had to be perfused to start regaining strength, but he hardly feeds himself: his mouth is attacked by the calicivirus!

2. Canned food would allow him to eat

Robin needs to recover... He can only eat canned food!

3. The situation is complicated

We have a lot of cats, and our daily food expenses are very important... We need your help!

Association Association Pour la Protection des Animaux du Territoire Eyguières et ses Environs (A.P.A.T.E.)
Maison des associations
Boulevard Reyre
13430 Eyguieres
FR France

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