Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 26/10/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Is-Me

Is-Me's hooves are very damaged...
photo association
Pellets for Is-Me
Is-Me's hooves are very damaged...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Is-Me's hooves are very damaged...

1. She has hoof problems...

Is-Me is a 13 year old mare, who has problems with curvature: her hooves are very badly damaged. We are afraid that it will get worse if she doesn't benefit from an adapted diet...

2. Pellets would help her get better

Rich in vitamins and nutrients, the pellets are a qualitative food, which would perhaps allow Is-Me to see her curvature problems improve.

3. Our cash register is empty!

Because of the drought which forced us to buy a lot of hay, and the Covid-19 which takes away all our cash flow, our budget is exhausted!

Association Tabula Rasa Asbl
Rue du quesniau, 5
7870 Lens (Belgique)
BE Belgique

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