Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/12/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for SOS famine 260 chats des rues !

DISASTER! The association is running out of kibble to feed 260 street cats, they might starve!
photo association
Canned food for SOS famine 260 chats des rues !
DISASTER! The association is running out of kibble to feed 260 street cats, they might starve!

960 cans

960 cans

DISASTER! The association is running out of kibble to feed 260 street cats, they might starve!

1. Without canned food, 260 cats in Toulouse will starve to death!

"Our association takes care of 260 free cats, spread over 14 different feeding sites. Although most of these sites are located in cities or industrial areas, no one, apart from us, comes to feed the cats. Most of the cats we feed have been there for several years.

Every time we arrive, the cats are impatient, they're counting on us. Unfortunately, the financial problems we encounter are becoming more and more insurmountable... We no longer have enough stock. Without our help, the free cats might starve before winter!"

2. The free cats are at the mercy of malicious individuals!

"We care about the well-being and survival of these poor cats living outside, but unfortunately the same can't be said about everyone: some people even go as far as running them over! Two cats died last year, run over by cars...

Lately, we have even noticed several cats disappear... We suspect that some people have stolen them to sell them, or worse... ".

3. Without food, the most vulnerable cats will not be able to hold on for long

"At 18, Kepler is one of the oldest cats we feed. Over the years, he began to have poor health, and his teeth and gums began to hurt more and more. He will most likely have to have his teeth removed soon to relieve the pain...

It has indeed become much too painful for him to chew anything: he can only ingest canned food. Without it to feed himself, he may not be able to hold on for very long!"

4. Donations are dwindling, leaving the association without resources...

"At the moment, donations are less and less frequent. With the current context, even the people who have supported us for a very long time can no longer afford to help us.

As it is unthinkable for us to be in debt, we have been forced to stop sterilizations. In spite of this, it is still complicated to make it to the end of the month... Without help, we will soon be forced to stop feeding the cats! "

5. Kyriakos isn't asking for money, only canned food to feed the cats!

"We are few volunteers, but we give everything we have. I myself travel nearly 80 km every day to feed all the cats. Sometimes I also have to go around the feeding sites in the middle of the night.

Impossible for me to remain idle in the face of animal distress! So I have been committed for 20 years to help cats. To have to stop would be terrible... "

6. Animal Webaction can deliver canned food to save the association's cats!

7. Actions launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Association Chat Libre de l'Ile du Ramier
11 Rue Peyras
31000 Toulouse
FR France

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