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Pellets for Léonie

Leonie is suffering from a hormonal disease!
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Pellets for Léonie
Leonie is suffering from a hormonal disease!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Leonie is suffering from a hormonal disease!

1. She is having trouble gaining weight because of a hormonal disorder.

Léonie is a 21-year-old mare, who suffers from a hormonal imbalance in her pituitary gland. Her skin becomes depigmented, her bones decalcify and she has a lot of difficulty gaining weight...

2. Pellets would allow her to maintain a minimum weight.

Rich in vitamins and high quality, the pellets would allow Léonie to regain her strength and keep her weight down to a minimum. It is absolutely vital for her!

3. Everything is more complicated this winter!

With the Covid, it's even more complicated than usual to buy food, straw, hay and bedding. We can't get out of it!

Association Ecurie Refuge APFFEL
20 hameau la longue rue
02140 jeantes
FR France
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