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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/01/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Grisette

Grisette is so skinny that she can no longer breastfeed her little ones!
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Blankets for Grisette
Grisette is so skinny that she can no longer breastfeed her little ones!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Grisette is so skinny that she can no longer breastfeed her little ones!

1. She is extremely tired

Grisette is less than a year old. However, she has just given birth to six babies. But her pregnancy and her life outside have exhausted her. Grisette is at the end of her rope, she doesn't have the necessary resources to feed her babies anymore!

2. The blankets will keep her warm

Grisette, like her babies, must be protected from the cold. She must not have to spend what little energy she has to fight against falling temperatures!

3. Everything is on hold

We had planned in-store collections, but they are cancelled. Dealing with the weeks and months ahead is going to be more than complicated!

Association Bien vivre avec les Chats Sallélois
22 Avenue René Iché
mairie de Sallèles
11590 Sallèles-d'Aude
FR France

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