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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/04/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Sam

Since he lost his teeth, Sam can't chew kibble and throws it up...
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Canned food for Sam
Since he lost his teeth, Sam can't chew kibble and throws it up...

232 cans

232 cans

Since he lost his teeth, Sam can't chew kibble and throws it up...

1. He has no teeth and can't eat kibble...

Sam is a stray cat of about 14 years old. The vet had to remove all his teeth three years ago, because of a big and painful inflammation in his mouth (a calicivirus).

Even though, since then, Sam has no more pain, he has serious difficulties eating his kibble: he gobbles them and then throws up, because he can't chew them anymore...

2. Canned food would allow him to continue to gain strength without having to chew

To stay in shape despite his age, Sam absolutely needs a rich diet every day. Easy to ingest and rich in protein, canned food would be perfect for him. He would finally have no more problems with regurgitation!

3. Our hope of doing collecting donations in shops has just been dashed!

We were about to organise a collection in a store, but due to the recent government announcements, this will have to be cancelled...

With kitten season starting, we will have to choose between buying them food or continuing to feed the stray cats... We were really dreading this situation, but it is about to happen!

Association L'Ecole du Chat d’Arbois
39600 Arbois
FR France

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