Animal Webaction
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photo association

Blankets for Brownie

Brownie must take his medicine in order to get better!
photo association
Blankets for Brownie
Brownie must take his medicine in order to get better!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Brownie must take his medicine in order to get better!

1. He's sick.

Brownie has a severe form of coryza: his nose is congested and his eyes are watery. So he was prescribed an antibiotic treatment that we have to mix in his food...

2. Blankets would bring him some warmth

While we are doing some work to get him to socialise so that he may find a family eventually, Brownie could use some blankets. That would allow him to sleep warm this winter!

3. We absolutely need your help!

One municipality has asked our association to intervene in an elderly facility where there are a lot of stray cats. We are going to try to take care of them, but we won't be able to do it without help!

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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