Animal Webaction
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Kibble for SOS 100 chats Occitanie !

In France, a hundred street cats will soon have nothing to eat!
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Kibble for SOS 100 chats Occitanie !
In France, a hundred street cats will soon have nothing to eat!

1,080 kg
Dry food offered

1,080 kg
Dry food necessary

In France, a hundred street cats will soon have nothing to eat!

1. In France, Sonia is almost out of kibble to feed the hundred or so street cats who rely on her... they won't make it without help!

"Our association currently feeds more than a hundred street cats, spread over seven different locations in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque. Some of them are in a very bad state: we had to take 13 of them off the street and place them in a foster home, because they had serious and incurable pathologies.

Unfortunately, we don't have any space to take in any more cats. We must therefore continue to feed those who are still on the street, to prevent their condition from deteriorating.

But we only have two bags of kibble left... at the end of the week, we will have nothing left to give the street cats! Without kibble, they will quickly lose weight and become even more vulnerable to diseases. We can't let that happen! "

2. The most vulnerable cats are victims of malicious individuals: someone even shot a free cat with a rifle!

"We often see cats be victims of accidents. Some get hit by cars, one was even shot recently! The injuries were so severe that he had to be amputated...

Without kibble, street cats risk becoming weaker and less alert. They will then be even more vulnerable to malicious individuals! This would be a disaster..."

3. Very fragile because of her handicaps, Mimine will not make it without kibble...

"Mimine is a free cat of about ten years old, who we found a short time ago with serious injuries. She was prostrate in a corner near a lake, with a torn ear hanging off and a cloudy eye. We don't know what could have happened to her...

To avoid an infection, the vet had to remove her ear. She is now doubly handicapped: she can only hear out of one ear and can only see out of one eye. After her recovery, we released her, with the vet's agreement.

We don't know how she will cope if we can't give her any more food! With her diminished senses, it will be particularly difficult if not impossible for her to find food on her own outside..."

4. Donations have never been so low, the association no longer has enough resources to buy kibble

"In the current health situation, it is no longer possible for us to collect kibble from supermarkets. In addition, more and more people have financial difficulties. Faced with the uncertainties of the future and the lack of means, we are seeing a sharp drop in memberships and donations, which used to enable us to survive.

We are therefore often forced to draw on our personal resources to buy kibble, but our budget is not extensible. We sometimes collect unsold meat to give to the cats, but this option is less and less possible, as many other associations are in need just like us... It is unthinkable for us to let the cats starve, but we are in a bind! "

5. Sonia  isn't asking for money, only kibble to feed the free cats

"Since 2012, I have been treasurer in the association. I have spent nine years devoting my time to the animal cause, as I have always been a true animal lover.

I couldn't stand by and do nothing in the face of the abandonment and distress of street cats. It is really difficult for the association to be without resources as it is today. We need help more than ever to bounce back! "

6. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!


7. Actions launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years

Association Le Chatlanquais
1 rue de La Fontaine
66250 Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque
FR France
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