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Blankets for Cameron

Since he was hit by a car and his jaw was broken, Cameron is unable to eat...
photo association
Blankets for Cameron
Since he was hit by a car and his jaw was broken, Cameron is unable to eat...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Since he was hit by a car and his jaw was broken, Cameron is unable to eat...

1. He was hit by a car!

Cameron is one-and-a-half years old, and was hit by a car. The driver didn't even stop, but witnesses of the scene called us. We rushed Cameron to the vet, as he was seriously injured...

2. Since then, he can't eat without help

Cameron's jaw was fractured in the accident, and some of his nerves were damaged. Unfortunately, he has not been able to regain the use of his jaw, despite treatment. So we have to mix his food with water, and give it to him in a pipette...

3. A disease is destroying his immune system...

Cameron unfortunately suffers from feline AIDS. This disease, since it progressively destroys his immune defenses, makes him very vulnerable to viruses and infections.

4. With blankets, he could recover comfortably

Blankets would give Cameron a clean, soft place to stay while he recovers from the accident. Given his condition, it will take time for him to recover!

5. We are overwhelmed!

Requests for care are pouring in from all sides! Many cats are reported to us, and they are often in poor condition. They need care and time to recover. But we are completely overloaded and will not last much longer...

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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