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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 12/07/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Scaramouche

Yeux larmoyants, gencives douloureuses, salivation excessive : Scaramouche a un gros calicivirus !
photo association
Canned food for Scaramouche
Yeux larmoyants, gencives douloureuses, salivation excessive : Scaramouche a un gros calicivirus !

256 cans

256 cans

1. He was kicked out when his owner died!

Scaramouche is a 17-year-old cat whose owner has died. After his death, his family preferred to put Scaramouche outside rather than take care of him. He has ended up on the street even though he is old and vulnerable...

2. He is ill and has trouble eating...

Scaramouche has calicivirus. He drools a lot, his eyes are watery and he has trouble eating because his gums are painful. We will probably have to remove his teeth...

3. He broke his leg

Scaramouche has just broken his leg. We don't know how it happened, but he will need time to recover.

4. Canned food would help him get strength back

Canned food would allow Scaramouche to regain strength without being in pain. Given his age and state of health, canned food would be a valuable source of nutrition for him!

5. We are very worried!

Given the current economic turmoil our association is going through, we are very much afraid of the future. We do not have enough money to take care of cats in distress, then feed them and take care of them.


Association Association des Chats Port-Saint-Louisiens
30 HLM le vauban
13230 Port saint Louis du Rhône
FR France

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