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Canned food for Mamichat

Diarrhea, vomiting... poor Mamichat is suffering from intestinal cancer!
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Canned food for Mamichat
Diarrhea, vomiting... poor Mamichat is suffering from intestinal cancer!

174 cans

174 cans

Diarrhea, vomiting... poor Mamichat is suffering from intestinal cancer!

1. She has cancer in her intestines!

According to her tattoo, Mamichat is about 15 years old. Unfortunately, the poor girl has developped an intestinal lymphoma. This cancer causes her important diarrhoea and vomiting which makes her very tired...

We give her cortisone so that she suffers as little as possible. But she needs to put on weight.

2. With adapted canned food, she could regain strength

Cans adapted to Mamichat's intestinal problems would help her regain strength without too much risk to her health. It would also help reduce the symptoms that make her life difficult (vomiting and diarrhea).

3. We are overwhelmed!

We have many more cats than last year at the same time. The kittens have been coming in for a month and a half now.

In addition to bottle-feeding them and providing them with adapted food, we have to find the budget to continue to buy canned food for adult cats who are sick... but we don't have enough money anymore!

Association Le temps d'un ronron
44 avenue de la Mediterranee
66380 Pia
FR France

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