Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/06/2021, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Milka

Milka lived in a house where two cats were found dead!
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Canned food for Milka
Milka lived in a house where two cats were found dead!

256 cans

256 cans

Milka lived in a house where two cats were found dead!

1. She was rescued from a house where two cats had died...

Milka is a young cat that we took in after she was seized from her owner. There were 12 other cats in the house with her, and two more cats were even found dead on the spot...

2. She lost one of her kittens!

Milka was pregnant when she came to us. She gave birth to three kittens quite quickly. Unfortunately, one of them didn't survive the first 24 hours...

3. With canned food, she could regain some strength

Canned food is rich in proteins, it would help Milka get her strength back for the remaining weeks of nursing. She'll need it to take care of her two babies.

4. We are overwhelmed!

We have many more cats than last year at the same time. The kittens have been coming in for a month and a half now.

In addition to bottle-feeding them and providing them with adapted food, we have to find the budget to continue to buy canned food for adult cats who are sick... but we don't have enough money anymore!

Association Le temps d'un ronron
44 avenue de la Mediterranee
66380 Pia
FR France

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