Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/06/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Pellets for Titine

A white and swollen eye: Titine has glaucoma!
photo association
Pellets for Titine
A white and swollen eye: Titine has glaucoma!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

A white and swollen eye: Titine has glaucoma!

1. She has an eye problem...

Titine is a mare of about eight years old, suffering from glaucoma: her eye has become all white and has started to grow. It will probably have to be removed, but the operation costs €4000...

2. Pellets would help her get stronger

If there is an operation, Titine will need to be in shape for the big day. Pellets would help her regain her strength and energy until then.

3. We are not allowed to do in-store collections!

We have a lot of old cats to feed and care for. As we have little means, we asked to make collect donations in a store, but our request was denied. So we are really in trouble!

Association Association de Protection des Chats Errants du Val du Crenu
3, rue des Vignes
25680 Puessans
FR France

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