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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/08/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Anna Kicha

After a life in breeding, Anna Kicha almost died during her last delivery!
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Pellets for Anna Kicha
After a life in breeding, Anna Kicha almost died during her last delivery!

150 kg
Pellets offered

150 kg
Pellets necessary

After a life in breeding, Anna Kicha almost died during her last delivery!

1. She almost died giving birth to her last lambs...

Anna Kicha is a ten-year-old ewe, who was with a breeder. During her last delivery, her reproductive system was torn and she almost died! As she could not have another litter, she was considered useless by her breeder. So we took her in...

2. Pellets would help her regain her strength

With pellets, Anna Kicha could continue to regain her strength. Given her old age, she must not lose too much weight, otherwise she will become even weaker.

3. We don't have enough grass or hay!

At the moment, it is difficult to buy hay for our animals, and meadows are scarce. We have about twenty sheep, but half of them are not in meadows! We therefore need to supplement them with pellets...

Association Au bonheur animal
11 rue d'Hautrage
7322 Ville-Pommeroeul
BE Belgique
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