Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 13/07/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for King

King was having so much trouble breathing because of some illness that he had to be put on an inhaler...
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Canned food for King
King was having so much trouble breathing because of some illness that he had to be put on an inhaler...

256 cans

256 cans

King was having so much trouble breathing because of some illness that he had to be put on an inhaler...

1. A disease prevents him from breathing normally...

King, 5 years old, is suffering from a very bad case of coryza... he can't even breathe properly! He is therefore on inhalers and he must take tablets to get better... But in these conditions, taking his treatment is very difficult.

2. With canned food, he could take his medicine more easily

With easy-to-ingest canned food, King could take his tablets more easily. It would also give him more strength, i.e. an extra chance to get better.

3. The amount of cats in care is beyond our means!

Our situation is very complicated at the moment... We have many new rescues and our donations are decreasing. The sick cats and kittens are very numerous, but we don't have a sufficient budget to help them all as we would like!

Association Les Chats Libres d'Estagel
14 rue Marcel Barrere
66310 Estagel
FR France

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