Animal Webaction
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photo association

Blankets for Hashtag

Hashtag was found under mailboxes, when he was only three weeks old...
photo association
Blankets for Hashtag
Hashtag was found under mailboxes, when he was only three weeks old...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Hashtag was found under mailboxes, when he was only three weeks old...

1. He was abandoned when he was only three weeks old!

Hashtag is a kitten that we found when he was only three weeks old. He was with his brothers and sisters, under some mailboxes.

Their mother wasn't there to watch over them... So we put them in a safe place and bottle-fed them.

2. He will need blankets to keep him warm

Without his mother to keep him warm, Hashtag is very vulnerable. Blankets would allow him to sleep comfortably, without the risk of getting cold.

3. We could use some help!

Between the kittens, the stray cats, and the pregnant mothers, we have a lot of work to do. We would need food and blankets, so we can help and support them the best we can!

Association Les Chats libres de Fleurance
Mairie, place de la République
32500 Fleurance
FR France
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