Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/07/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Bagheera

His gums are very inflamed, Bagheera has trouble eating!
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Canned food for Bagheera
His gums are very inflamed, Bagheera has trouble eating!

256 cans

256 cans

His gums are very inflamed, Bagheera has trouble eating!

1. She was abandoned

Bagheera is 5 years old. When her owner learned that she was sick, she abandoned her because she couldn't afford to treat her!

2. She drools all the time

Bagheera suffers from calicivirus. Her gums are so inflamed that she drools and has her tongue out all the time.

3. Canned food would help us make her take her treatment

Bagheera needs to take antibiotics for her calicivirus infection. Canned food will make it easier for us to give them to her while making her meals easier!

4. We have many animals to help

We are already taking care of several dozen animals and we have taken in many kittens lately. Our budget is going through the roof!

Association Un Ronron d'Espoir 33
1 meffret
33230 les eglisottes et chalaures
FR France

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