Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/07/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Maya

Locked up and mistreated, Maya is still very afraid of men!
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Canned food for Maya
Locked up and mistreated, Maya is still very afraid of men!

256 cans

256 cans

Locked up and mistreated, Maya is still very afraid of men!

1. She was left without food and water for a week

Maya's owner had to be committed to a psychiatric ward... And Maya stayed locked up in her apartment, without food or water, without anyone to take care of her, for a whole week...

The lady next door was the one who got worried. But Maya was already in a poor state!

2. She is very skinny

Maya must have been mistreated. When we found her, she was very skinny, with dirty hair and no teeth... But above all, she is afraid of the human hand!

3. Canned food would help us to feed her

Maya is 18 years old. Given her condition, she needs supplements to recover and regain strength. As she can only eat soft food, canned food will be crucial for her!

4. We have many animals to help

We are already taking care of several dozen animals and we have taken in many kittens lately. Our budget is going through the roof!

Association Un Ronron d'Espoir 33
1 meffret
33230 les eglisottes et chalaures
FR France

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