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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/12/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Loulou

Fatigue, thinness, immune system at half mast... Loulou has FIV !
photo association
Blankets for Loulou
Fatigue, thinness, immune system at half mast... Loulou has FIV !

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Fatigue, thinness, immune system at half mast... Loulou has FIV !

1. His immune system is no longer effective...

Loulou is a 3 or 4 years old cat, who has been abandoned. The poor guy has FIV : his immune system, less efficient, doesn't protect him properly from viruses and infections.

2. He has one health problem after another

Loulou regularly has abscesses on his paws. Because of his illness, he has a lot of trouble healing.

Recently, we even had to take him to the vet because he was losing his hair on his stomach and paws.

3. He is skinny and tired!

Exhausted and skinny, Loulou is going through a very difficult time. He has no more energy, and is losing weight almost visibly!

4. With blankets, he would sleep well and warmly

Fragile and vulnerable, Loulou absolutely must avoid catching a cold. With blankets, he could spend his days snuggled up in the warmth of the house, sheltered from possible draughts.

5. The cats are numerous, but we lack the means!

We feed about 140 street cats, as well as about 15 cats in foster care. This year, our association has seen a large wave of abandonment. Unfortunately, we also had to face a decrease of donations with the pandemic. We are at a dead end!

Association Association Hungry Cats14
None None
FR France
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