Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 18/05/2022, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Seven

Seven was alone, abandoned in the rain, when we found him. He got sick and needed help!
photo association
Canned food for Seven
Seven was alone, abandoned in the rain, when we found him. He got sick and needed help!

256 cans

256 cans

Seven was alone, abandoned in the rain, when we found him. He got sick and needed help!

1. He caught coryza

Seven was alone, in a boat, abandoned in the rain, when we found him. He couldn't have gotten there by himself... 

He had already caught coryza. His nose, his eyes, his respiratory system are infected... And he is very tired!

2. Canned food will allow him to eat

In this condition, Seven often has trouble feeding himself. And that doesn't help him fight the disease.

Canned food will give him the strength he needs to regain his energy... and a new lease of life!

3. We can no longer go on like this

We have a lot of sick animals, and their care is expensive. We can't even afford to feed them!

Association Les Pattounes de l'Espoir
71 avenue maurice thorez
bat anatole france 1
13110 port de bouc
FR France

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