Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/09/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Léa

Tooth loss, breathing difficulties... Léa isn't well!
photo association
Blankets for Léa
Tooth loss, breathing difficulties... Léa isn't well!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Tooth loss, breathing difficulties... Léa isn't well!

1. She's in a pitiful state...

Léa is a 9-year-old feline, who is incredibly wild and spends her time outdoors. Over time, poor Léa has lost all her teeth and thus can no longer chew her food. She also has respiratory issues, for which we try to help by giving her tablets that she struggles to swallow...

2. Blankets would protect her from the cold and damp

To prevent her from falling even more ill, Léa needs to be safeguarded from the draughts. A set of blankets would allow us to create a snug corner where she could rest. Not sleeping directly on the ground would truly change her life!

3. Many collections are barely making a dent...

We are completely out of food, litter and blankets. In-store collections are generally not very effective, which is why we are trying our best to increase our efforts... but it's just not enough!

Association AMICAT (Protection animale)
Maison des associations, Avenue des Potiers
59500 Douai
FR France

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