Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/12/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Abbé

Delicate, Abbé needs extra supplementation...
photo association
Pellets for Abbé
Delicate, Abbé needs extra supplementation...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Delicate, Abbé needs extra supplementation...

1. He suffers from recurring abscesses...

Abbé is a 23-year-old horse that we took in back in 2013. His health is rather delicate and he has regularly recurring sheath abscesses. Regrettably, a surgical operation would be too high of a risk.

2. Pellets would help sustain him

To strengthen Abbé, a dietary supplement like pellets could be really helpful. By providing him with a wealth of minerals and vitamins, they would assist in his recovery to a better health and render him less vulnerable daily. The coming winter season would be more manageable for him!

3. Hay alone is not enough!

Our association does not have the resources to buy pellets in addition to hay. Yet, with their ongoing health problems and the approaching winter, the animals need it now more than ever!

Association Happy Horse Day
346 chemin du moure de la Violette
30490 Montfrin
FR France

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