We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to everyone who helped us collect these pellets free of charge. Our equines are pampered and benefit from these pellets, which help keep them round and beautiful. Many thanks to all of you!
Extasia : Extasia has a lot of pain in her right carpus (knees). She suffers from osteoarthritis and we are waiting for the result of the blood test to find out if she has Cushing's disease. For the moment, she's enjoying her grains morning and evening.
Happy : Happy is happy with his new family and his friend l Anatole. We wish him a long life and will always be available for him.
Gamin : Our big, sweet Gamin is enjoying his pellets to keep his lovely curves. Standing 1.80 m tall and weighing a ton, he would like to thank everyone who helped us collect his pellets.
Opale : Opal is doing very well. He loves being surrounded by his little retired friends. Every morning and evening, he benefits from his grains, which he eagerly awaits.
Lucile : Lutine gets around much better thanks to the podiatrist who looks after her. Every day, she takes advantage of a handful of grains to take her medication.
Nymphéa : Every morning and evening, Nymphéa clamors for her grains, which she greedily eats. She loves her calm and serene environment.
Abbé : Abbé is doing well at the moment, with no new abscess attacks. He's nice and plump thanks to his morning and evening grain ration.
Esperado : Esperado is a rascal who is always asking the volunteers for food. He gets his daily ration, but he'd also like to get his buddies' bucket!
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