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Blankets for Nala

Blocked nose, exhaustion... following a bout of cat flu, little Nala is completely run down!
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Blankets for Nala
Blocked nose, exhaustion... following a bout of cat flu, little Nala is completely run down!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Blocked nose, exhaustion... following a bout of cat flu, little Nala is completely run down!

1. She contracted a severe case of cat flu and is struggling to recover…

Nala is a three-month-old kitten that we found on a site a few weeks ago. Stricken with cat flu, she was constantly sneezing and had a bloodied nose. A treatment has mitigated her symptoms, but it has taken a toll on her body: she just sleeps all the time!

2. With blankets, her recovery would be quicker

Blankets would help Nala better conserve her body heat during her recovery. Their soft and comfortable texture would provide a calming place, which would facilitate her recuperation.

Easy to wash, such blankets would keep her in a clean and healthy environment, preventing any reinfection.

3. Our personal finances aren't unlimited…

Outbreaks affecting the association's cats make the situation even more precarious. Without subsidies and with very sporadic donations, we are forced to dip into our personal finances.

Given the untenable situation, we had to suspend taking in new animals until further notice!

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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