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Canned food for Rose

Rose is so stressed that she occasionally pulls out her own fur!
photo association
Canned food for Rose
Rose is so stressed that she occasionally pulls out her own fur!

256 cans

256 cans

Rose is so stressed that she occasionally pulls out her own fur!

1. She's particularly anxious…

Rose is an eight-year-old cat showing signs of chronic stress: she often scratches herself to the point of pulling out her fur. Her past is unknown as she was found on the street, yet she is highly sensitive to changes.

Currently being fostered, she is undergoing treatment. To alleviate her anxiety, we are providing her with homoeopathic treatments and Bach flowers…

2. With canned food, she could recover faster

Canned food could be beneficial for Rose. It would provide her with balanced and regular nutrition, which could help calm her down.

Moreover, a proper diet would be of great comfort to her, ultimately contributing to improving her overall well-being.

3. There are increasing numbers of cat abandonment!

At present, our association is trying to recover financially, having been weighed down by bills.

We care for approximately a hundred cats and recently, we have witnessed an increase in the abandonment of adult cats. These situations are escalating our responsibilities and burdens, which is quite challenging to manage!

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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