Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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We can't let these 450 street cats starve!

Disaster! In Istres, Monique has run out of kibble to feed the 450 street cats relying on her... The poor things are in danger of starving to death!
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We can't let these 450 street cats starve!
Disaster! In Istres, Monique has run out of kibble to feed the 450 street cats relying on her... The poor things are in danger of starving to death!

1,000 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Monique has run out of kibble for feeding the 450 street cats that rely on her... The poor things might starve to death!

"It has been over a month since we last had stock to feed the 450 street cats in need. We're doing our best to buy low-quality kibble in dribs and drabs, but our personal finances just aren't enough. Some volunteers have had to abandon feeding sites due to lack of resources!

At several sites, we can only feed the cats two or three times a week. The poor things are not getting enough to eat, living under harsh conditions where cold and damp are part of their daily lives. We can't let them starve to death!"

2. Between inflation and a drop in donations, the association is hitting rock bottom...

"Grants only cover certain veterinary expenses. So, we've stepped up our efforts to try to buy kibble for the cats. But there are so many cats that it's just not enough... Due to a lack of donations and memberships, we can no longer care for some cats, except in the most urgent cases.

Thus, the activities of our association are greatly compromised. Not to mention that the prices of food and veterinary care have skyrocketed... We find ourselves in a particularly critical situation!"

3. Suffering from severe problems with her eyes and nose, Snow is very weak... kibble is vital for her!

"Snow is a two- or three-year-old cat living outdoors. She regularly suffers from pigmentation in her nose and eyes, possibly due to a virus or allergy. She scratches a lot, which significantly weakens her!

Her diet greatly affects her condition, and low-quality kibble does not help her symptoms subside. If we run out, we fear she might start scavenging in the trash, which would worsen her condition even more. Without suitable kibble, she won't make it!"

4. Monique isn't asking for money, she just needs kibble to prevent street cats from starving.

"I've been sacrificing for years to help cats in need. For 15 years, I've been overdrawn by more than 1,000 euros each month... Many volunteers are single women, who also have very few resources.

We're doing our best to cope, but the situation is only getting worse. Our personal finances aren't unlimited, and the living conditions of these poor cats on the street are deteriorating unimaginably... We can't leave them without kibble!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Sending kibbles

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association L'Ecole du Chat Istreen
maison des associations
5 chemin des Tartugues
13118 Istres
FR France

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