Animal Webaction
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Blankets for Tommy

Damaged teeth, tumours in the mouth, thinness... Tommy is in poor health!
photo association
Blankets for Tommy
Damaged teeth, tumours in the mouth, thinness... Tommy is in poor health!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Damaged teeth, tumours in the mouth, thinness... Tommy is in poor health!

1. He stopped eating and became skeletal...

Tommy is a cat of about seven years old that we rescued last year, following a report. His teeth were severely damaged and his mouth was filled with tumours. Unable to eat, his state was dreadful, almost cadaverous!

The vet, therefore, removed all of his teeth and operated on his tumours. Now, he can't chew at all.

2. Blankets would keep him warm

Still weak, Tommy is more susceptible to changes in temperature. With blankets, he could more easily maintain his body heat, to fully recuperate.

3. We do not have any grants!

Our association, active since January 2020, quickly found ourselves responsible for around a hundred cats, without any grants. A large portion of my salary is invested in animal welfare!

We also organise canned food collections to try and provide for the cats' needs. Most are unadoptable and require care, which means additional costs...

Association Association Misty Pépère
3 impasse des Rouges Gorges
33500 Arveyres
FR France

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