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blankets delivery Association Misty Pépère association

The Misty Pépère association would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to all those who helped (by clicking or buying cm2s) to make the three blanket collections for Fluffy, Bounty and Tommy a success.

Thank you thank you thank you

Fluffy : Fluffy will love lying on these soft blankets, and we sincerely hope she'll enjoy them even more this winter (even if she stays in the house).

Tommy : Tommy always drools a lot and therefore gets dirty and messes up his blankets very quickly. Thanks to this collection, we'll be able to make changes more often, without having to wait for the other blankets to dry after washing.

Bounty : Unfortunately, Bounty's health deteriorated so much that we had to accompany him on his last great journey...

Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns

Send the association a message of support :

palma_1 - June 9, 2024, 9:51 p.m.

Ravi d'avoir contribué à cette collecte pour veau chat 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱 🥰 😍 🐱

paule_31 - June 9, 2024, 8:55 a.m.

Merci infiniment pour tout ce que vous faites, sans vous rien ne serait possible. Que les anges veillent sur notre petit Bounty, toutes mes pensées volent vers lui 🌟🌟🕊️🕊️♥️

anne_452 - June 8, 2024, 8:29 p.m.


yolande_28 - June 8, 2024, 9:54 a.m.

Je suis contente pour Fleury et Tommy en espérant que leur santé va s’améliorer. Je suis bien triste aussi pour Bounty. Qu’il repose en paix et retrouve des copains au paradis que j’espère réel. Courage à vous.

monique_249 - June 7, 2024, 9:43 p.m.

merci de vous occuper si bien de tous ces minous, triste pour Bounty, 🥲 courage à vous ❤️‍🩹

miaoumar92 - June 7, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

Vos minous vont avoir bien chaud et désolée pour Bounty qui a rejoint les étoiles. 🩷🐈💙💚💝

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