Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 19/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Bébé

Loss of sight, blocked nose, sneezing: poor Bebe is suffering one bout of cat flu after another!
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Canned food for Bébé
Loss of sight, blocked nose, sneezing: poor Bebe is suffering one bout of cat flu after another!

256 cans

256 cans

Loss of sight, blocked nose, sneezing: poor Bebe is suffering one bout of cat flu after another!

1. A virus has left her blind!

Baby is an old cat, whom we found in a forest and then placed in a protected area. Affected by cat flu, the poor thing lost one eye and became blind in the other. Despite treatments, the virus persists. She is constantly sneezing, which exhausts her on a daily basis!

2. To regain strength, she's going to need canned food

The provision of canned cat food rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals could help Baby effectively replenish her energy. These moist foods, easy to consume, would provide the nutrients she needs to strengthen her immune system and get back in shape.

3. The number of abandonments is significantly increasing!

Our association is facing an increase in abandonments, which worsens the already precarious situation of the free-ranging cats we neuter and feed! We currently manage about fifty cats spread over different areas.

The sudden arrival of new sociable cats complicates our mission, especially as our resources are limited, with inadequate subsidies and a noticeable decline in donations...

Association La Main Alapatte
257 rue Jean Gallas
51530 Moslins
FR France
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