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photo association

Pellets for Victor

Poor Victor was found wandering!
photo association
Pellets for Victor
Poor Victor was found wandering!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Victor was found wandering!

1. Left to his own devices...

Victor is a pig from the pound. Before that, he'd been found wandering with no one to claim him. This period of aimless roaming without any place to go has deeply affected him.

2. Pellets would enable him to eat to his heart's content

Supplementing Victor's diet with pellets would be perfect for him. Providing him with vitamins and minerals on a daily basis, this type of food would grant him valuable energy to better withstand the cold. Being able to eat to his fill each day would be a true relief for him, after all that he’s been through!

3. We're going through a tough time!

We take care of 16 horses, nine pigs, three dogs, and around fifty cats. As we are a small association, our budget is very limited.

At the moment, we're struggling to provide enough food and to buy sufficiently so that everyone can eat to their heart's content...

Association Un Espoir pour les Sans Voix
Hôtel de Ville
Place de la République
FR France

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