Animal Webaction
Wet food delivery ADAF association

The President of ADAF, the volunteers and all the pussies thank you for all the pouches they received thanks to the clicks and donations. It is heartwarming to see that little hearts can eat their fill. We can't see them all every day, being field cats many go out when it's quiet...
A big thank you and a big bravo for all this mobilization, and thank you to Animal WebAction to be able to make this kind of collections, and to participate. Thanks also to the delivery which was fast. And the kittens love the empty boxes

Melba : Unfortunately Melba left us on the operating table. A prolapse is serious and she couldn't stand the anesthesia. It's always a pity not to be able to save them. What should make it less fragile to be around these difficult cases only reinforces the desire

Hadès : Hades is an adventurer, he has been put back on the field, where he feels better than locked up in a convalescent cage or a room. He comes to eat when it's quieter, you can see him from afar. Like many free cats once they have experienced the trap cage an

Crevette : Shrimp feeds her ' babies who grow up well, she is a little less wild, 2 of her kittens are pre-adopted. They will leave around June 15th in their new family. We are still looking for a family for Shrimp who is still a little bit wild.

Caramel : Caramel raises her babies while always being very wary, 1 of her babies is handicapped, he has been amputated of a leg that has become necrotic, it is a little female that does not seem to be disturbed at all because she plays like her brothers and sister

Nala : Nala is in her family for life! which makes us very happy, and since her adoption she has lost a little bit of weight, she suffers from troubles undoubtedly due to her repeated abandonment and her stay outside. Now she's living the life of an indoor cat.

Colleen : Colleen is a good mother who takes very good care of her kittens, the kittens are very alert and do the stupidities of their age. They are almost all pre-adopted. Colleen will be adopted also after the babies leave in their family.

Angel : Angel watches over his kittens like a mama! She remains on the defensive, but we have great hope that in a few weeks time she will be adoptable, once she has been neutered.

Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns

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anne_452 - June 18, 2020, 8:47 a.m.


evelyne_89 - June 17, 2020, 4:19 p.m.

ce MERCI c'est à vous qu'i'l revient !! vous qui vous occupez d'eux chaque jour et qui rendez leur quotidien meilleur !!! cette nourriture va leur faire du bien , à vous aussi !!! les chats aiment bien les cartons , ils les aiment toute leur vie !! Bravo et Merci pour tout; bonne continuation

carine_129 - June 17, 2020, 9:26 a.m.

Top pour les mimoux et je leur souhaite tout le bonheur du monde 😍

lucia_13 - June 16, 2020, 7:53 p.m.

Un immense merci à toutes et tous et au site AWA, sans vous tous rien n'est possible! Venez nous rejoindre sur la page Facebook de l'ADAF ADAF - Association de Défense des Animaux Familliers (17)

marie-annette-35 - June 16, 2020, 4:16 p.m.

très heureuse de voir vos minous manger à leur faim ! merci à vous de vous en occuper si bien

joelle_94 - June 16, 2020, 1:52 p.m.

Merci et BRAVO à toute votre équipe pour votre dévouement à la cause animale et comptez sur moi pour cliquer plusieurs fois par jour 😍😍😍

patricia_347 - June 16, 2020, 1:44 p.m.

Très belles photos ! Et c'est super de voir les mamans avec leurs chatons ! Félicitation pour votre engagement !

5gtnyt51g910xho3xtzh_1 - June 16, 2020, 12:45 p.m.

Qu'ils sont mignons! Merci à vous!

dorothee - June 16, 2020, 10:35 a.m.

bravo pour ce que vous faites et cotente d avoir pu participer

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