Animal Webaction
Pellets delivery Association hippique du Caroux association

What joy and happiness during this new reception of pellets. 1800kg for the horses who will enjoy it.
A big THANK YOU to Animal Webaction for everything they do to help animals, whatever they are, for our horses it's magical considering the financial difficulties we have been facing for months and months.
A big THANK YOU to all the people who helped us either by the free clicks they made throughout this collection as well as the donations of Euros they paid so that this quantity of pellets is sent to us.
Thank you, thank you again on behalf of all the volunteers and horses of the Caroux Horse Riding Association!

Clyde : Clyde, like every time he could have some pellets in addition to his food, is shaking up because his chronic skin disease weakens him and this supplement of pellets allows him to regain strength.

Kenza : Kenza who has intestinal problems with the pellet rations every day we see her feeling better. We have seen improvement with this supplement for her as well.

City : The pellets for City are vital. She is very old and loses weight quickly, so as soon as she has this food supplement, these pellets that do her so much good, she is gradually gaining weight and it does her/us a lot of good to see her like this.

Cannelle : The pellets allowed Cannelle to get better because the strong heat had weakened her. With this supplement of food in addition to the care which is lavished on her, on the whole she is better.

Surprise : Surprise ho! what a surprise also when she got the 200kg of pellets for her. With a very damaged dentition, just like Princesse, she can't chew any more so put in mush by crushing them, the pellets allow her a richer food in vitamin and we see that the e

Câline : The pellets which are given to Câline in a different way from the other horses, that is to say, very crushed and boiled, allow her to keep in shape despite her bronchitis which weakens her. As time goes by we notice that she is getting better.

Princesse : We prepare to Princesse as well as Câline the rations of pellets very crushed and in pulp because her dentition does not allow her practically any more to chew also thanks to that we note with each time a recovery of vitality.

Nébus : What a godsend for Negus, he is so strong, so heavy, since the quarantine he lost a lot also thanks to the pellets rations which are given to him every day, he takes back and regains weight in addition to his usual food, these pellets are essential for hi

Bobby : Bobby has the same problem as Princesse and Cuddles with a missing tooth, he can't chew the hay anymore, but with the pellets the way the person in charge prepares them and the love she gives to all the horses, we see a considerable improvement for Bobby

Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns

Send the association a message of support :

sophie_425 - Oct. 12, 2021, 8:48 p.m.

On continue pour tt ces chevaux merci pour se que vs faites bisous pour eux et on continue tous merci a vs tous ❤️

joelle_94 - Oct. 4, 2021, 2:11 p.m.

Bravo et merci pour votre investissement à la cause animale et comptez sur moi pour cliquer plusieurs fois par jour. On reste à vos côtés. Courage et pleins de caresses à vos petits protégés ❤️❤️❤️

christelle_23 - Oct. 3, 2021, 8:08 p.m.

Contente d avoir participé pour ces petits amours qui en ont bien besoin régalez vous bien

nathalie_566 - Oct. 3, 2021, 11:30 a.m.

Un grand merci pour votre dévouement envers ces pauvres chevaux. Soutien total

marie-france_55 - Oct. 2, 2021, 8:20 p.m.

Merci de tout coeur pour votre engagement envers Kenza et ses congénères , et un merci également pour vos belles photos de vos protégés.

Olga-34 - Oct. 2, 2021, 9:44 a.m.

Un grand MERCI à vous tous et toutes pour ces gentils, ces beaux messages et tous vos encouragements. Nous faisons tout ce qu'il est possible de faire pour que les Chevaux aient ce qu'il leurs faut dans la bienveillance et l'amour que nous leurs apportons. Sincèrement merci pour vos soutiens. Michelle (bénévole de l'Association) 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎❤❤❤❤❤

marine_181 - Oct. 1, 2021, 10:53 p.m.

Heureuse pour eux. Merci 💜

Gitane92 - Oct. 1, 2021, 9:55 p.m.


anne_452 - Oct. 1, 2021, 8:06 p.m.


maria_323 - Oct. 1, 2021, 1:59 p.m.

Grazie mille a voi ke vi prendete cura di loro ❤️❤️❤️❤️sempre dalla loro parte 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏🙏

Plumette90 - Oct. 1, 2021, 12:28 p.m.

C'est merveilleux de voir vos beaux chevaux se régaler et se refaire une santé grâce aux granulés. Un immense merci pour votre formidable action.

christina_49 - Oct. 1, 2021, 12:12 p.m.

Thank you for saving and caring for them ❤️❤️❤️

rose_38460 - Oct. 1, 2021, 9:17 a.m.

merci beaucoup de soigner et nourrir tous ces chevaux

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