Animal Webaction
Canned food delivery La Bleue association

The charity would like to thank all the generous people who took part in our campaigns and made it possible to deliver the canned food.
Despite losses among our cats, often brutal losses, we have recovered lost or abandoned cats, and it's becoming more and more complicated to feed them. Without your help and the help of Animal Webaction, we wouldn't be able to take on everything.
Thank you so much.

Victor : Victor is gaining confidence and has a good appetite. The canned foods we received are delicious, just by seeing how he comes to eat. Many thanks to everyone.

Néro : Nero is very difficult to photograph. He only comes at night and doesn't stand in front of the boxes.

Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns

Send the association a message of support :

brenda_27 - July 10, 2023, 10:17 p.m.

I am so happy you have this delivery from Animal Webaction, I hope it will help your precious rescued cats. Thank you for your care & hard work 💖💖💖

Plumette90 - July 10, 2023, 8:50 p.m.

Très heureuse que vos protégés se régalent avec les boites adaptées. Un grand merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour eux.

anne_452 - July 10, 2023, 8:32 p.m.


Thelittleisa - July 10, 2023, 1:55 p.m.

Mille merci à vous d être là pour ces p'tits précieux de la vie 🐱 🐈. Heureuse d avoir pu être à vos côtés pour eux.🤗 Cela fait chaud au cœur de voir ces p'tits cœurs manger avec appétit et de reprendre des forces 😍. Prenez bien soin de vous et d eux 🐈🐱. Des câlins doux aux p'tits z amours 🐈🐱😚. 💗❤️💖🐈🐱💜💖🐈🐱

miaoumar92 - July 10, 2023, 12:01 p.m.

Merci d’être là pour tous ces minous 💙💕💚❤️💝🐈

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