The whole team at 4 pattes 30 would like to thank the ANIMAL WEB ACTION website, which always responds to our requests in the face of the difficulties we encounter. A big thank you to the loyal people who have been following us for several years and who don't miss a single click, as well as to the generous donors for their donations. Without them, we wouldn't be able to continue our work.
Moustache : Moustache's health is stable, he continues to undergo veterinary treatment and is eating his canned food of pâtée, which are very soft for his mouth.
Victoire : Her health is stable, she's eating well, putting on weight little by little, and the vet continues to monitor her closely.
Voyou : Voyou is doing well, eating his canned food of pâtée, which are very soft for his mouth, and continuing his various treatments.
Prunelle : Prunelle is doing very well, she finds her tins of pâtée to her liking, she is gaining back a little weight, and her medication is continuing.
Fidèle : Fidèle is doing well considering his pathologies, he is still under the care of the vet and takes a daily treatment, he eats his canned food of food very well.
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Bravo pour tout ce que vous faites pour ces adorables petits chats
merci de vous occuper si bien de tous ces minous, contente de savoir que les boites de pâtée leurs apportent un certain confort pour manger 😀