1000 thanks to Animal Webaction, to all the organizers, deliverers and especially those who made this collection possible by clicking on or offering food for our protégés. It's a relief for us to have received these 2 pallets of food, knowing that we can have what we need to feed our loulous until this summer.
Maddy : Maddy has little appetite at times due to her heart problem. But she has also resumed her mischief with her life partner Ferdinand. She is under treatment and should improve.
Ferdinand : Since his eye injections, he sees better and is less painful. He has regained his appetite and is getting into mischief.
Louise : Louise is doing very well.
Shoma : Our poor Shona suffered from meningitis and left us despite veterinary care. Her brain was too damaged to withstand the treatment.
Lulu : Lulu sadly passed away following surgery.
Bashasha : The beautiful Bashasha has gone to grass but still with a food supplement, thank you again for your donations she needs it.
Pâquerette : Pâquerette has recovered She's doing much better thank you for your food donations she's been placed in a foster home who will adopt her and join a new companion
Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns
Send the association a message of support :
Vielen Dank für Eure unermüdliche Arbeit, diese armen verlassenen Tiere zu schützen, sie zu versorgen und zu pflegen! Manches Mal muß man aber auch loslassen, wie in Eurem Fall mit Shoma und Lulu, denn man kann das Leben nicht festhalten. Es tröstet ein wenig, zu glauben, daß den beiden, stellvertretend für so viele andere lieben Seelen, die uns verlassen haben, kein Leid mehr angetan wird und sie endlich Ruhe finden, vor der ganzen grausamen Gewalt und dem verlassen werden! Danke für Alles!
GRAZIE X TUTTO A VOI , 💪💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️
💕 Lulu 💕💚💕Shoma 💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Merci pour votre aide 🩷💙💚💝