Our big-eared friends sincerely thank you for your unfailing support!!!! Thanks again to all clickers and generous donors !!!!
Dany : Dany is very fond of pellets, they like them for their taste... he's quite greedy, and asks for more every day.
Belou : Belou really needed a food supplement to make him a little more robust, and these pellets have done him a world of good.
Yethi : Yethi also appreciates these pellets, which are also good for her health. They have helped her regain a beautiful coat.
Napoléon : Napoleon really appreciated the pellets, which were very beneficial. He has regained his energy and vitality.
Derido : The pellets have helped Dérido regain a certain vitality. He's doing much better. The improvement is obvious.
Pivoine : Thanks to the pellets, Pivoine has regained her vitality. The pellets have been a real help to her. She seems to be in much better shape.
Tino : Tino has been able to regain his vitality thanks to the pellets, which he has really enjoyed. He seems much fitter and more energetic.
Salmon : Salmon's coat has grown back nicely and he's regained his energy. He really appreciated the pellets. They were very beneficial.
Voyou : Thanks to the pellets, Voyou is doing much better. His coat has grown back and he's regained his vitality. Pellets are good for him.
Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns
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Quels beaux animaux. Merci d'en prendre soin. Vous etes merveilleux.
mille mercis pour tout ce que vous faites pour les grandes oreilles trop souvent oubliées de la protection animale
Tous trop beaux, je suis en 💖
AMORI BELLI ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️GRAZIE X LORO !!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous faites pour ces adorables chevaux et ânes. Trop mignon le bébé
Comme cela fait plaisir d'avoir de bonnes nouvelles et tant mieux si nous y avons un peu contribué. Merci à vous et bon courage
Comme cela fait plaisir d'avoir de bonnes nouvelles et tant mieux si nous y avons contribué. Merci à vous et bon courage
Vielen vielen lieben Dank an Euer Team Ihr seid so fantastisch herzlich und gut! Ihr leistet richtig gute und harte Arbeit! Es ist schön zu wissen, das es Euch gibt. Dankeschön vielmals danke. Ich ziehe meinen Hut vor Euch!!!