Many thanks to all of you for your clicks. We were able to obtain 39 blankets! We installed them in the huts of our protΓ©gΓ©s. Thanks to you, they were able to spend the early part of winter warm and cosy.
Virgie : Virgie's health has improved considerably. She has been adopted into her family for life, much to our delight!
Rox : It took many weeks for Rox to make a full recovery, but he's now in great shape and his metamorphosis is obvious! And what's more, he's found his forever family and was able to join them a few days ago. We wish him a very happy and warm life.
Papichat : Papi cat has been placed in a foster home where he lounges and is pampered. His health has improved and we're giving him all the care he needs. We are waiting for a family to come forward to adopt him.
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Je comprends que l'adoption de Virgie et de Rox vous rendent heureux et espΓ©rons qu'il en soit de mΓͺme pour Papichat et vos autres protΓ©gΓ©s. Merci Γ l'association de prendre soin d'eux.