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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/06/2020, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Rosie

Rosie has no strength left to feed the kittens.
photo association
Blankets for Rosie
Rosie has no strength left to feed the kittens.

331,500 cm2
blankets offered

331,500 cm2
blankets necessary

Rosie has no strength left to feed the kittens.

1. She's feeding three kittens in addition to her own.

We found Rosie on the street. She was already very skinny and all her strength was going towards suckling her five kittens.

Unfortunately we also found three other kittens who no longer had their mom and were too small for the bottle... So Rosie started to feed them with her own kittens !

2. Her nose is blocked

Rosie suffers from a severe coryza. Her eyes are full of pus, her nose is runny... We're giving her inhalation treatment.

3. Blankets would keep them warm

Rosie and her babies are fragile and sick... Temperature variations worsen Rosie's condition.

With blankets, she could finally stop sleeping on the floor, without fearing being cold.

4. We're in over our heads

We have a lot of kittens at the moment. It's not easy to take care of them all, our means are limited...

Association Association des Chats Camarguais
20 avenue Joseph Simonet
FR France

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