Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 12/01/2021, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Andy

Andy had to be hospitalized due to a kidney problem...
photo association
Blankets for Andy
Andy had to be hospitalized due to a kidney problem...

265,200 cm2
blankets offered

265,200 cm2
blankets necessary

Andy had to be hospitalized due to a kidney problem...

1. He's got a kidney problem...

Andy unfortunately suffers from kidney failure. As he was constantly dehydrated and tired, he had to be hospitalized. The veterinarian then prescribed a treatment to be taken daily.

Andy now needs to eat a healthy and appropriate diet, otherwise his kidney problem risks getting worse.

2. With blankets, he would be warm while sleeping

Blankets would allow Andy to rest and be warm at the same time, and recuperate some energy!

3. We have a hard time feeding all our cats!

Currently, the situation has become so difficult financially that we are struggling to feed the 92 cats we take care of... Help would be more than welcome!

Association Les Félins Concitoyens de Saint Eliph
3 résidence du pressoir
28240 saint-Eliph
FR France

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